Friday, July 11, 2008


That's right, we got our orders. We are headed to Fort Stewart, Ga. I will be attached to the 3rd Infantry Division. I don't know what type of battalion I will be serving quite yet, but that's ok, we are excited. We'll keep you posted.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My son, Andrew, is in the 2nd Battalion, 1/64 Armor of the 3ID. He just returned from Baghdad this past Monday morning. He became a Christian while serving in Iraq, and was baptised when he came home at Christmas for leave. It was a prayer answered for me. His roommate and Lt. are both Christians, and had much to do with bringing him to Christ. He relied heavily on the chaplain in Baghdad after Sadr City. I wish you God speed and pray God's blessing upon you as you take up this cross. Chris Fraser, Durham, NC