Sunday, June 3, 2007

A Little Sentimental

The year plus road ahead seems really long and difficult. But then I realize the blessings I have. My wonderful wife and son, our church home, our house, my wife's job just to name a few. I am so thankful for all God has given me. I look forward to being a Chaplain, but as I read some of the Chaplain blogs I am reminded of the challenges that are in the not too distant future. And while I want to be prepared for those challenges, I do not want to rush into them. In do time, Katie and I will be ministering to soldiers and their families. Until then, we are doing the best we can to prepare for the future ministry without wanting to rush through the preparation.

As far as updates, once my packet is approved, I am hoping to sign up for a practicum this fall. There are two options for Chaplain Candidates with non-prior service. Both are 30 days in length providing opportunities to shadow different Chaplains as they fulfill their duties. Although our next little guy will be born in early September, it seems that the best time to go will probably be this October. We are wrestling through this timing and what it means for our transition from our current ministry position to a time where God would have us focus on training for Army ministry. Please pray for wisdom for us. If there is one thing that I have started to realize, it is the importance of needing a prayer team as we get ready to jump into this ministry. Eventually, I will probably be looking for volunteers to be a part of our prayer team. Ask the Lord if this is something he may have you be a part of. I will keep you posted as we get closer to organizing that team. Thanks for reading.
