Monday, August 27, 2007

Today, Tomorrow, ....?

Well, the baby will be here soon! The Doc said he will induce Katie tomorrow if she has not started going into labor. My folks are on the way up as I write and should be here this evening. Katie is really excited that this will be her last day of work for six weeks. I am excited that I will have almost three weeks with my new son before I head to CH-OBLC.

Nat is doing really well and we continue to discuss that dad will be going to "soldier school" soon. We talk about how we will talk on the computer like he does with his grandparents. It will be tough for both of us, but I believe he will do well. Especially since he will have his "Grandpie" and "Papa" around for quite a bit of the time I am gone. And when they are not here, one of the grandmother's will be.

I have been following the current class at Ch-OBLC through a few blog's and the most recent post of one blog I've been reading reports that they are completing their "capstone" experience, which is the final piece of their training before graduation. As I read Chaplain Ham's blog, I get really excited about the journey ahead. While there are numerous challenges ahead in the next three months, one of the challenges for me will be the fact that following Ch-OBLC, I have five classes to complete while many of these Chaplains will start their military ministry right away. But, God is good and his timing is perfect. Certainly, this will be a great motivator to finish strong!

Chaplain Ham also referred to an article on the new Chief of Chaplains. I am very excited about the potential of meeting Chaplain (Maj. Gen.) Carpenter this fall.

I will keep you posted on the arrival of the baby. He is coming soon, and we are really excited!



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