Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Body of Christ

I love the Body of Christ. I love the diversity of gifts that God has given us as well as the different ways local fellowships use their gifts. I love the creativity that leaders use to equip those within their fellowship and reach those in their community with the Gospel. While I have had friends from other denominations for a long time, since completing Chaplain's Basic this past fall, I have gained many more friends who love Jesus, but are different. Their tradition may be more liturgical or even more charismatic, but when it comes down to it, they are all about Jesus!

We live in an age that is referred to by some philosophers as postmodern. While this blog is way too short to discuss all the intricacies of this philosophical "bent," postmodernism has some characteristics that are very damaging. When I refer to the Body as being diverse, I do not mean, as some postmodern's may espouse, that there is no absolute truth. Certainly there is absolute truth! Rather, I am referring to the ability to come together under the banner that is the person and message of Jesus Christ. Yes, let us stand on the Gospel of Christ as THE absolute truth, and let's even be willing to discuss, with dignity, our differences. But ultimately, let's focus on the Main Thing. Christ is the reason we live. So what if one fellowship is led by deacons and one by elders. So what if you like hymns and I like choruses. Let's come together under the banner of Christ to worship the King!

Thanks for reading,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Together for the gospel! :-)