Sunday, October 7, 2007

What a Week

Wow, what a busy week! This past week we went to the field for our field exercise training. It was exhausting and challenging. All in all, I believe we did a good job as a class not getting on each other's nerves too much. We constantly challenged each other to be careful about bad attitudes and really, for the most part, we did a great job. Obviously by the third night, when we were dirty and wet, it was a little more challenging, but again, I believe that we did well in how we represented ourselves. I did have an excellent experience in the field when one of the leaders of the Chaplain School did a field service with us. It is hard to explain but the Lord really comforted me and challenged me during the service. I must say, the life I have lived most recently has not been that challenging. I live comfortably with very little sacrifice. The encouragement from the Lord was that in the midst of ministry there will be great sacrifice, but that he will be right there as my wife and I pursue Him! It was really a great time with Jesus.

I am sorry that I have not blogged more often. There are a couple reasons why. First of all, I am often tired and not really in the mood at the end of the evening and secondly, I am still not quite sure what I can share on the internet. I will try to continue to find out what I can share in order to give you more of an idea as to what the training looks like.

I do appreciate your prayers. All in all, I am doing pretty well. I certainly miss my wife and boys, but I think the most challenging times I miss them are on the weekends. I don't know if I shared this last week, but I did buy a plane ticket to go home for Thanksgiving. I am excited about that! Please continue to pray for us and for our troops. It is hard to be away from family and some of our troops have been deployed multiple times. Pray for our chaplains downrange too. Pray that God gives them wisdom as they preach and counsel the troops that they serve. Pray for the leaders of our military and pray for our government. We need the wisdom of God as we continue to fight this war.

Thanks for all your support and prayers. We really appreciate it!

Blessings to you,


1 comment:

Jason Fletcher said...

Hey Rob,

I just wanted to let you know that I'm praying for you as you go through Basic.
