Friday, December 21, 2007


Well it's been a week now, but I'm home. I'm also sick thanks to some bug Katie picked up at work. We got in on Monday after the mid-west got clobbered with a Winter Storm, but we made it. I am back to being Mr. Mom and preparing to finish up my classes at Liberty in the not so distant future.

Looking back I am very thankful for the opportunity to go to CH-BOLC. I met some great men and women of God who will serve God and Country really well! I found out that while I loved growing up in the Army, I love serving in it even more! There is no other place I would rather serve as pastor, than the US Army. It is an exciting place for ministry. Unfortunately, I have some more schooling to go before we assess into active duty. I am figuring out my schedule right now to try and get my five classes done as soon as possible so I can get out there with the soldiers and minister to them. Until that time, Katie, Nat, Benjamin and I will continue serving here in good 'ole Fort Wayne, IN.

I apologize to those who were praying for me that I was not better at my blogging. I can't tell you how frustrating it was to have all the internet problems I had. But, we're back on track now. Please continue praying for us. And pray for other Chaplains and their ministries in the Army.

This is the final picture of the men and women of First Platoon. Now that I'm home I will be posting some pictures of the process. I want you to know that these are some fine people here and I can't wait to serve full time with them.



Jason said...

What program are you in at Liberty?


bill said...

Congrats on finishing the course! Wish I could have went through phase 2 and 3 with yall.