Thursday, February 14, 2008

Face book or Blogger or both

I haven't spent a lot of time here lately, but more recently I have encountered face-book. Now I know I am behind the times, but I didn't realize what an amazing connector it is. So, while I haven't been here for awhile, I have returned for an update.

First of all, my son and I went to another hockey game on Sunday. It was a great time, although the weather outside was brutally cold! Sunday morning, I had the opportunity to share about the chaplaincy and preach. I taught for only a few minutes on Romans 12:1-4. It was fun. It was also really cool to share a little about the Army Chaplaincy. Most people really do not know what chaplains do, so having the opportunity to share what we sense God calling us to, is always exciting. I also really enjoyed the opportunity to preach. It is a bummer that I haven't had more opportunities, but most senior pastors really don't like to give up the pulpit on Sunday mornings. It is kind of unfortunate, because someone cannot improve on their "skill" if no one gives them a shot. Oh well. No worries. I'm sure I will eventually get plenty of opportunities to preach and teach.

In regards to my ordination, I am really close to being completely finished with my papers and books. Not quite yet, but really close. It feels really good to be so close. I am still scheduled for my oral examination on April 10, but before that I have a written exam too. Lots going on, but it is close. I will keep you posted.

I am also still on track to go to Leonard Wood. I won't go to jump school or even the Emergency Medical Ministry practicum because of some logistical issues, but that's ok. I am really pumped about the month of May. We are hoping that Katie and the boys will come down for a week or so at the end. Lots going on, to say the least.

Thanks for reading. I hope to be a little better about this in the future.



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