Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Joy of Fatherhood

This past week, our whole family has been sick. Not very fun, to say the least. As our colds are breaking, my three year old and I were playing "3 Musketeers today." He knows them from the Disney movie, with Mickey, Donald, and Goofy. Well, for awhile I was Captain Pete, the evil bad guy. Then at times I was Goofy. He would say things like, "Come on Goofy, let's go over here." Or when we were eating our apples, "How's your apple Goofy?" Anyway, it was a lot of fun!

All are napping right now, so I get a chance to rest. We're recovering slowly. I just wish this snow would stop and spring would get here quickly. Soon, I know, soon.


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