Thursday, August 16, 2007

September is Approaching

Well, I got my paperwork for Ch-OBLC today. While some of you may be saying, "Well, didn't you know you were getting it?" Sure, I knew I was getting it, but nothing is official in the Army until you have paperwork in hand. So, it's official. I will be heading out for three months this fall. From Sept. 16 to Dec. 15. To say I am excited is an understatement. To prepare, I have been running two miles a day for three days every week for quite awhile now, so I am certainly getting into better shape. I will probably start running five days a week next week, so I can be more prepared for what's ahead.

My wonderful wife's pregnancy is going well too. The baby should come any time now. The Doc will probably induce in some way in a week and a half if the baby has not come "naturally" by then. We are also starting to phase out of our ministry responsibilities at church. Someone is taking over the children's church this Sunday and there is a tentative plan for a new group to start leading worship. All in all, things are progressing.

On another note, Katie and I will be signing up for a winter retreat at White Sulphur Springs. WSS is a conference center affiliated with Officers Christian Fellowship. My folks have been a part of OCF for many years, and since much of our time was spent on the east coast, we have been to this place many times while I was growing up, so I am excited to take my family there for a retreat. It is intended for military families, so I am hoping that it will be a great way for Katie and I to start meeting military families who love and serve Jesus. All in all, we are really excited.

Exciting times are ahead. Be sure to stick around for the updates as Ch-OBLC comes closer. And feel free to pray for us. We know that there will be some new challenges for us this fall while I'm away, but we are so excited about what God is doing.

Thanks for reading,


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