Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Yes! We are home. It's interesting, because this was really the first true vacation Katie and I have had since we have been married, coming up on nine years. All other vacations have either been weekend jaunts or have been at family's homes. I have come home from weekend trips where I felt like I could have used a little more time away, but this time I came home totally ready to be home. I was really excited to see my son, who was being watched by his grandparents and I was really excited just to be in our house. That being said, the time away was great! The week with friends from The Alliance was refreshing, challenging, and just all around wonderful! I met three new Chaplains who shared about some awesome ministry they had done throughout their careers. I would never have thought that our year of helping a team plant a church would be useful in the Army until a Colonel told me about the three "new" Chapel services he began during his career. And two of them continue to this day! To say we are excited about the coming ministry in the Army is an understatement! If there was one common theme that God was communicating to me it was, "finish well." This lives itself out in being focussed on ministry and not promotions in the army as well as being open to new ministries until the day we die. It was great to see so many men and women who spent thirty or forty years in ministry. One "older" couple, probably in their fifties, was going back to the field! That's what I want for Katie and I. To be open to new adventures until Jesus takes us home.

If God puts it on your heart, we are needing some prayer in regards to my training schedule. I am thinking that it would be wise to go a little more slowly in my classes so I can take advantage of many of the practicums offered by the army. I just have to find out a few things before we make any significant changes. Anyway, we are praying and believing that God will give us wisdom in this.


1 comment:

sedona bride { destination wedding photographers } said...

Hey Rob! I'm so glad you and Katie had such a nice trip down to FL! You guys deserve it, with what I know about how crazy your lives have been for a while... :)

Also, really cool to hear about what God does in other people's lives - like with some of the other couples you mention! Sounds like your vacation was very enlightening...
