Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Time with God

While I graduate this Saturday with my MA in pastoral ministries, I have started taking classes through Liberty University's distance learning program. Part of one of my assignments is to pray for one hour every day for thirty days. I have been waking up at 6:15 to make my coffee and start prayer walking by 6:30. It has been a lot more enjoyable than I originally expected. Don't get me wrong, I am not apposed to spending time with my God, I am just not the most disciplined person. I've spent time praying for my brother-in-law who recently got deployed to Iraq. I have been praying for a good friend who is an Army Chaplain and recently got deployed to Afghanistan. Among other things, I have also been praying for our church. I also try to spend at least ten minutes or so just listening, because I do not believe prayer is a one way street. This morning I was thinking and wrestling with the idea of whether or not it is possible to organize a missional church. Missional, meaning a church that releases people to do ministry without having to manage every person or every ministry. There are certainly missional churches, but I don't quite get how do to release people to do ministry in a missional way while providing some type of organization? It's very important to me because I appreciate organization but I also believe strongly in the priesthood of all believers and want to figure out how to release people to do ministry under an umbrella of an overall vision for ministry. Again, just something I am working through.

On the Chaplain front, my packet of information is just about complete and should go before the board of Chaplains on June 18. After that it will take about a month or so to get my paperwork in order to be commissioned in the Army. After commissioning I will figure out what type of practicums I could do with the Army. We'll see what happens. One cool part of this will be the role my dad will take. As a retired Army Colonel, he will lead me in my oath of office as a Second Lieutenant. It will be really cool!



Amy said...

That's really cool that your dad gets to be a part of your entrance into the army. I bet he is SO proud!

sedona bride { destination wedding photographers } said...

...I second that! So cool that your Dad gets to ' usher you in' to the ARMY! As a photographer, I'd LOVE to be the one photographing that ceremony and the look of pride on your Dad's face as the words are spoken and you officially accept your commission as a second louie! Keep us posted on ARMY options / schools and what you're thinking about! Can Chaplains go to jump school...?